New roof installations are always exciting. With a firm structure in place, you'll experience fewer leaks and your home will remain warmer during cold weather. But, how do you make sure your metal roofing lasts longer so you can keep enjoying the benefits?
Keep an eye out for storm damage
Avoiding storm damage isn't always easy, and if those winds reach more than 50 MPH you may encounter problems. Throw hailstones into the mix and you may have a recipe for disaster.
To prevent this impacting how long your metal roof lasts for, try:
Should you see any of these things, you may want to call a roofer who can restore your metal installation and prevent the need for a replacement.
Choose the right material
Not all metal roofs withstand the consequences of rain. Rust, for example. Fortunately, most metal roofing contractors will use aluminium, which is less likely to corrode than other metals. When you're discussing material types with your contractor, make sure they're choosing the right one for your weather environment.
Opt for the right paint design
Metal rarely comes in an enticing colour in its natural state. As such, you'll need to paint yours if you want to bring a splash of colour to your property's exterior. Now isn't the time to break out a tin and a paintbrush, though. Generally speaking, powder coating lasts longer, as it's more resistant to scratches, giving it a neater look than other types as the years go on. In addition, it's best to use a spray device rather than a brush, as you can achieve even coverage without unsightly streaks.
Use a maintenance service periodically
Like any aspect of your home, maintenance is the key to delaying costly replacements. If you've recently purchased a home with a metal roof, ask when the last time it was maintained. You should call a roofing contractor every 10 years to inspect the roof, so they can identify damage that's easy to repair now, but could escalate into a costly activity if left alone for too long.
With due care and a little attention, your metal roofing can last for years to come. As a material that comes with insulating and fire proof benefits, it's well worth investing time and money into. For more information, contact companies like Suncity Roofing & Supplies P/L.
Share18 September 2017
Hello, my name is Ryan and this is my blog. I don't work in the roofing industry but I recently had to spend a week on the roof of my home trying to fix it up. I am pretty good at DIY, but in the end, I had to call in a roofing contractor to help me out. I decided to replace the entire roof and that wasn't a job I was going to take on my own. I have learnt a lot during the past few weeks and I hope to use this blog to pass on some of my knowledge.