How a New Roof Can Be So Beneficial in Many Ways


As most new homeowners quickly realise, you need to spend a certain amount of money every year to keep up with maintenance. Harsh weather conditions can really do a number on the exterior of the property, which will need to be repainted every few years. While a roof may be expected to last a little longer without serious maintenance, there will come a time when you need to dig into that 'rainy day' budget. Certainly, you may not be too happy about this expenditure, but a roof replacement could be one of the best investments you will ever make.

Why Maintenance Is Crucial

Most people expect to increase the value of their assets when they initially buy their home. You could argue that this idea took a beating in the financial downturn, but it is still largely true, and you should aim to cash out when you move to another property. However, while your home will probably increase in value simply because of the land that it sits on, you do need to keep it in good shape if you're going to get top dollar.

Initial Impression

If your roof has seen better days, then it could detract from the home's aesthetic value. This is a significant part of its kerb appeal, and you can expect many potential buyers to keep driving if they don't like the appearance of the roof.

Easier to Sell

You may be counting pennies and can't bear the thought of a sizeable roof replacement bill. However, look at it from a long-term perspective and expect to repay your investment when you sell the property. A new roof should also help you sell it more quickly, cutting down the amount you may have to spend on real estate fees and marketing costs.

Lengthier Warranty

You will also be able to pass on a much better warranty to the new owner. Due to advances in technology, better materials and workmanship, a modern roof warranty can last for the best part of a lifetime.

Technology and Cost Savings

Talking about technology, shingle roofs are now designed to reflect solar heat and will thus help to keep the interior temperature in check. If you don't have to spend as much on air conditioning or heating, your energy cost will go down, and you can offset these dollars against your roof replacement cost.

Failing Inspection

Finally, you are unlikely to sell your home if the roof is substandard in any way. You will have to get it inspected by an independent expert, who will not sign off if they find something untoward.

Getting a Quote

Have a word with roofing experts to see how much it will cost you to replace the roof. If you look at this from a broader perspective, you can see how it makes a lot of economic sense.


10 July 2018

Ryan's New Roofing Blog

Hello, my name is Ryan and this is my blog. I don't work in the roofing industry but I recently had to spend a week on the roof of my home trying to fix it up. I am pretty good at DIY, but in the end, I had to call in a roofing contractor to help me out. I decided to replace the entire roof and that wasn't a job I was going to take on my own. I have learnt a lot during the past few weeks and I hope to use this blog to pass on some of my knowledge.